Friday, January 4, 2013

Spiders, lizards, and, snakes. Oh, my!

Since I've been living here in Moz, I've seen a snake in my bathroom, had a mouse eat my potatoes in the kitchen cabinet, and felt a spider crawling on my leg which was the size of my palm.  As you can imagine, cockroaches no longer scare me and I can kill spiders without screaming and jumping on the dining room table.  In fact, I  invite lizards into the house so that they can eat the insects. Nope, I'm not afraid of lizards anymore. However, I'm still terrified of mice because they're fast and furry and carry diseases. That said, my roommate and I don't like the idea of having snakes, mice, tarantulas  or any other un-welcomed guests crawling or dashing across the kitchen floor, obviously.  One evening, we spoke with our neighbor about how we can get a cat so that we could take care of our rodent/insect problem.  Three days later, she rang our doorbell and handed us a moving rice sack that was crying, "Meow".  As you may have already guessed, there was a cute kitten inside the bag! Our smiles were big as we accepted our holiday gift and we haven't had a problem with insects/rodents since.

It's not set in stone, but I think we decided to name her Lani.  Isn't she cute?

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