Saturday, September 14, 2013

How much does food cost in Mozambique?

I bought corn, dried beans, a kilo of rice, 10 sweet potatoes, 8 bell peppers and carrots for only five
dollars yesterday.  If I want to travel from my town to Nampula, a big city about five hours away,
I'd pay about $7 USD for the
bus ride.  Produce and traveling is very inexpensive here.  That is, if you're earning a a decent salary 
according to U.S. standards.
In the past, when I visited other cities over the weekend, the teachers asked me how I was able to travel so
much as a volunteer.  They were stunned that I could visit so many sites
in Mozambique, seeing sites that they've never been to.

How much does an Ipad cost?

While produce can be inexpensive here,  electronics like smart phones, digital cameras, and laptops are very expensive.
An Ipad can cost about $2,000 USD here.  It's no wonder
the teachers hover over my  kindle touch when I bring it to the teacher's lounge, asking me the cost and if I could get them one from the States.
Unfortunately, I always have to say no and tell them that I won't be going back to the U.S. before my
service ends. 

How much do some teachers make in Mozambique?

The other day, I was in the teacher's lounge and a teacher wanted to know about how much it would cost
to visit the U.S.  I told him that it would depend on which state he wanted to visit, but if he were to go
to the East Coast (which would probably be the cheapest option), it would cost about 60,000 metacais, or
around $2,000 USD.  He replied, "Wow, that's very expensive.  Let's see, I make just a little over that each
year. I make around 75,000 metacais per year." My mouth dropped learning that he made only $2,500 USD every 
year and $208 every month as a secondary English teacher.  I was even more baffled at the fact that
I earn more than that as a volunteer.  It made me sad to think how little many of the
professors here earn, as
they grade tests and some teaching 40 hours a week. I wonder how these teachers have enough money to support their families.

Although food, transportation, and housing are relatively cheap here, it's not that inexpensive where
 a full-time teacher only earns
$2,500 per year.  Now I understand why many people, including professors, think I'm rich here.  

How much is my Peace Corps experience worth?

Recently, I've stopped
complaining to my friends about how little I make in Mozambique.  The Peace Corps treats us very well.
I don't pay rent, I have medical and dental benefits, and I have enough money to pay for internet, food, household supplies,household help,
and for traveling with great friends.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your expereince helps me see how blessed we truly are in the states. No wonder so many people want to come here to live the American dream
