It’s Friday night and I’m excited and tired at the same time. We had safety and health training. We also got to ask questions to current
volunteers about possible challenges as a teacher volunteer. We were given a Hep A and a Typhoid shot. I was prescribed anti malaria pills and I’ll have
to take them every Friday. The possible side
effect is having bizarre nightmares. I really
hope I don’t get any adverse side effects from taking the meds.
On another note, I’m extremely excited about meeting my host
family tomorrow in Naamacha. All I know
is that my host mother is 36 y.o. , her mother is 61, her daughter is 20 and
her son is 17. They speak Portuguese and
a local language called Changana. I’m
happy that they don’t speak English because I think it will help me learn
Portuguese faster.
The hotel's internet is pretty good and I've been able to write to people. However, I doubt that I'll have WiFi internet at my host family's home. I ordered my cell phone today and it has internet. I’ll receive it tomorrow. Unfortunately, I may not be able to write
long posts with pictures since I’ll be using a phone that doesn’t have a ‘qwerty’
keyboard. However, I’ll try my best.
Well, tomorrow is a long day and I need to get
sleep before my 3 month home stay in Naamacha. I hope all is well with you all. Feel free to shoot me a message J